

姓    名:贾俊松 
性    别:
出生年月: 1981
职    称:副教授
担任国家自然科学基金通讯评审任务;担任国内外专业期刊(如:Ecological Economics, Ecological Modeling, Ecological Indicators,Acta Ecologica Sinica,Energy Procedia,Landscape and Ecological Engineering,International Journal Of Sustainable Development & World Ecology,Energy Policy,生态学报,中国管理科学及资源科学等)匿名审稿任务;江西省生态文明研究与促进会会员;第21届中国博士后联谊会北京博联会副秘书长。
  2009.9-2011.6 中国科学院科技政策与管理科学研究所 能源与环境政策研究中心 博士后 
 2006.9-2009.6 中国科学院生态环境研究中心 城市与区域生态国家重点实验室 博士(曾就环境科学与技术论题访美交流) 
 2003.9-2006.6 南昌大学建筑工程学院(学院改组) 推免硕士 专业成绩第一、学分总数第一、总评第一 
 1999.9-2003.6 南昌大学土木工程学院 本科
贾俊松,马永生,杨谱. 工程下料组合的优化研究,全国研究生数学建模组委会,国家级,三等奖,2005

1.Junsong Jia;Zhihai Gong;Chundi Chen;Huiyong Jian;Dongming Xie.Urban carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) accounting based on the GPC framework: A case of the underdeveloped city of Nanchang,China.International Journal of Climate Change Strategies and Management,2018.(SSCI) 
2.Junsong Jia;Zhihai Gong;Chundi Chen;Zhongyu Gu;Dongming Xie.Incorporating carbon emissions of landfills and wastewater treatment into a household emission inventory for systematically analysing household behavior.Journal of Water and Climate Change. in press (SCI) 
3.Junsong Jia;Zhihai Gong;Dongming Xie;Huiyong Jian;Chundi Chen.Multi-scale decomposition of energy-related industrial carbon emission by an extended logarithmic mean Divisia index: a case study of Jiangxi,China.Energy Efficiency. in press (SCI) 
4.Junsong Jia;Zhihai Gong;Dongming Xie;Jiehong Chen;Chundi Chen.Analysis of drivers and policy implications of carbon dioxide emissions of industrial energy consumption in an underdeveloped city: The case of Nanchang,China.Journal of Cleaner Production,2018.3.8,183: 843~857.(SCI) 
5.Junsong Jia;Zhihai Gong;Zhongyu Gu;Chundi Chen;Dongming Xie.Multi perspective comparisons and mitigation implications of SO2 and NOx discharges from the industrial sector of China: a decomposition analysis.Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2018.1.28,22(1): 1~15.(SCI) 
6.Junsong Jia;Zhihai Gong;Dongming Xie;Huiyong Jian;Chundi Chen.Study of Urban Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e) Accounting Based on the Comparable GPC Framework: a Case of the Underdeveloped City,Nanning,China.Journal of Integrative Environmental Sciences.(SCI) 
7.Junsong Jia;Huiyong Jian;Dongming Xie;Zhongyu Gu;Chundi Chen.Multi- Perspectives’ Comparisons and Mitigating Implications for the COD and NH3-N Discharges into the Wastewater from the Industrial Sector of China,Water,2017.3.13,9(201).(SCI/EI) 
8.Jia Junsong;Fan Ying;Guo Xiaodan.The low carbon development (LCD) levels' evaluation of the world's 47 countries (areas) by combining the FAHP with the TOPSIS method.Expert Systems with Applications,2012.6.1,39(7): 6628~6640.(SCI) 
9.Jia Junsong;Zhao Jinzhu;Deng Hongbing;Duan Jing. Ecological footprint simulation and prediction by ARIMA model—A casestudy in Henan Province of China.Ecological Indicators,2010.10.16,5(10): 538~544.(SCI) 
10.Jia Junsong;Deng Hongbing;Duan Jing;Zhao Jingzhu.Analysis of major drivers of ecological footprint by the STIRPAT model and PLS method,Ecological Economics,2009.9.15,68(11): 2818~2824.(SSCI/SCI) 
11.Chundi Chen;Yuncai Wang;Junsong Jia*(*通讯作者,下同).Public perceptions of ecosystem services and preferences for design scenarios of the flooded bank along the Three Gorges Reservoir: Implications for sustainable management of novel ecosystems.Urban Forestry & Urban Greening,2018,DOI: 10.1016/j.ufug.2018.06.009.(SCI) 
12.Chen Chundi;Meurk Colin D.;Jia Zhenyi;Lv Mingquan;Wu Shengjun;Jia Junsong*.Incorporating landscape connectivity into household pond configuration in a hilly agricultural landscape.LANDSCAPE AND ECOLOGICAL ENGINEERING,2017.1,13(1): 189~204.(SCI) 
13.Chen Chundi,Cheng Hui,Jia Junsong,Wang Xingyu,Zhao Juanjuan.Use it or not: An agro-ecological perspective to flooded riparian land along the Three Gorges Reservoir.Science of the Total Environment 650 (2019) 1062-1072.(SCI) 
14. Chundi Chen, Maohua Ma, Shengjun Wu, Junsong Jia*, Yuncai Wang. Complex effects of landscape, habitat and reservoir operation on riparian vegetation across multiple scales in a human-dominated landscape. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 94(1): 482-490. 
15.Zheng Bofu;Duan Jing;Liu Feng;Yan Yan; Jia Junsong.Assessment ecosystem services of Lugu Lake watershed.International Journal Sustainable Development and World Ecology,2008,15(4): 62~70.(SCI) 
16.Wu Gang;Sun Yufei;Yan Yan; Jia Junsong.Evaluating automobiles effects on the Social-Economic -Natural Complex Ecosystem in Beijing.The International Journal of Sustainable Development and World Ecology,2008,15(4): 337~344.(SCI) 
17.Jia Junsong;Chen Qiong;Hu Linlin.Analysis on the carbon emission (CE) arising from the direct energy consumption (EC) of Beijing's construction industry.Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014.1.25,533-534(2014): 1822~1825. 
18.Jia Junsong;Kuang Caihua;Hu Linlin.Analysis on the energy consumption (EC) and carbon emission (CE) of tourism transport of Jiangxi Province using the PLS method.Applied Mechanics and Materials,2014.1.11,535(2014): 533~536.(EI) 
19.Junsong Jia;Huiyong Jian;Min Ju;Dongming Xie.Decomposition analysis on the macroeconomic drivers of the carbon emission from energy consumption in China.International Conference on Economics,Finance and Statistics (ICEFS 2017),Hongkong,2017.1.14-2017.1.15.(EI) 
20.Jia Junsong;Zhou Xiu;Zhong Xinping.Analysis on the energy consumption and carbon emission of Jiangxi's Tourism Industry using the extended Kaya Identity,2015 2nd International Conference on Civil.Materials and Environmental Sciences (CMES 2015),2015.3.13-2015.3.14. 
21.Jia Junsong;Wu Yanping;Gu Zhongyu.Does the urban morphology have an influence on the city's CO2? International Conference on Energy Equipment Science and Engineering (ICEESE),2015.5.30-2015.5.31. 
22.Jia Junsong;Zhou Xiu;Lei Jing.Relationship between Urban Form and the CO2 Emission of Energy Consumption Basedon the Hi_PLS Model – a Case Study in Shanghai.2015 2nd International Conference on Civil,Materials and Environmental Sciences (CMES 2015),2015.3.13-2015.3.14. 
23.Jia Junsong;Wu Yanping;Gu Zhongyu.Does the urban morphology have an influence on the carbon emission (CE) ofenergy consumption (EC)? – A case study in Beijing City.Advances in Energy Science and Equipment Engineering,ICEESE 2015,2015.5.30-2015.5.31. 
24.Jia Junsong;Xie Dongming;Zheng Bofu;Deng Hongbing.Spatiotemporal comparative analysis of ecological footprint of Poyang Lake Area and Five River Watersheds in Jiangxi Province.Journal of Landscape Research,2009,1(2): 45-49. 
25.Dongming Xie,Guohong Zhou,Yangming Zhou,Yayun Chen and Junsong Jia*. 
Origin of the Livelihood Dilemma for Local Fisherman in Poyang Lake Wetland: a Ramsar Site in China.IOP Conf.Series: Materials Science and Engineering 301 (2018) 012091 doi:10.1088/1757-899X/301/1/012091. 
26.Hu Linlin;Zhong Xinping;Jia Junsong*.Do population,affluence & technology take impacts on the tourism’s CO2? Advances in Energy Science and Equipment Engineering,ICEESE 2015,2015.5.30-2015.5.31.(EI) 
27.Zhihai Gong;Min Ju;Dongming Xie;Junsong Jia*.Why does Beijing’s carbon emission of energy consumption have an ‘inverted-W’ shape during 2005-2015? International Conference on Economics,Finance and Statistics (ICEFS 2017),2017.1.14-2017.1.15. 
28.贾俊松.河南生态足迹驱动因素的Hi_PLS分析及其发展对策.生态学报2011.6.25,31(08): 2188~2195. 
29.贾俊松;范英;吴晓华;孙德强.全球能源消费的空间差异及影响因素分析,资源科学,2011.5.25,33(05): 796~805. 
30.贾俊松,基于经典偏最小二乘模型的CO_2排放量宏观驱动因素分析中国能源,2010.7.25,32(07): 21~26. 
31.贾俊松.中国能耗碳排量宏观驱动因素的Hi·PLS模型分析中国人口.资源与环境,2010.11.1,20(10): 23~29. 
32.贾俊松,董仁才*,邓红兵.用可持续发展能力指数评价水土保持治理效果的研究—以甲积峪流域为例.中国水土保持,2009,(5): 33-35. 
33.贾俊松,谢东明,田野,郑博福,邓红兵*.江西五大水系水环境容量测算及污染控制分析.水资源与水工程学报,2009,20(2): 1-4. 
38.胡林林;贾俊松*;刘春燕;毛端谦.基于FAHP-TOPSIS法的我国省域低碳发展水平评价,生态学报,2013.12.25,33(20): 6652~6661. 
39.胡林林;贾俊松*.基于组合ESARIMA模型的江西旅游业碳排放预测北京第二外国语学院学报,2014.01.25,36(01): 34~38. 
40.胡林林;贾俊松*.2011年江西旅游业能耗和二氧化碳排放估算.江苏农业科学,2014.02.25,42(02): 55~58. 
41.胡林林;贾俊松*;毛端谦;刘春燕.基于IPAT模型的江西旅游业碳排放分析,广东农业科学,2013.12.25,40(20): 168~172. 
42.胡林林;贾俊松*;周秀.我国旅游住宿碳排放时空特征及其主要影响因素.中南林业科技大学学报,2015.3.15,35(3): 123~128. 
49.谢冬明;周国宏;周杨明;陈亚云;彭小英;卢锐;殷照华;熊晓龙;贾俊松;余明泉.蚌湖表层土壤有机碳的分布特征,湿地科学,2017,(1): 25~31. 
54.Junsong Jia*,Xiaodan Guo.An new indicator for assessing the influence exerted on the complex ecological system-Human Activities’ Pressure (HAP).Abstract presented at the 5th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST),Houston,TX,USA,2010,7.pp.53. 
55.Rencai Dong,Junsong Jia,Xiaobo Xiong,Ye Tian.Evalution and analysis on the benefits of watershed management in China.Abstract presented at the 4th International Conference on Environmental Science and Technology (ICEST),Houston,TX,USA,2008,8.pp.66. 
56.Yufei Sun,Junsong Jia,Yan Yan,Hongbing Deng.Analysis of Beijing automobile impact on complex ecological system.Paper presented at the 1st Xiamen International Forum on Urban Environment (IFUE),Xiamen,China,2007,11.



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